

A professional path
awaits in the wild.

Students who are preregistered for an upcoming term or session are expected to confirm/finalize their registration, which includes paying or making arrangements to pay tuition, fees, and other expenses, by the stated deadline. Other students are expected to confirm/finalize at the time they register for classes. Even students whose bill is $0 or less must confirm/finalize their registration with the cashier at one of the three campus locations, or by mail, or by fax, or online at through WeevilNet by the stated deadline. Students who do not confirm/finalize by the stated deadline will be dropped from all their classes.

Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at Monticello during a fall or a spring semester will be entitled to a refund as follows:

Registration, Tuition, and Fees:

  • Up to and including three class days: 100%
  • From the fourth class day through the tenth class day: 50%
  • The eleventh class day and after: No Refund

Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at Monticello during a summer session will be entitled to a refund as follows:

Registration, Tuition, and Fees:

  • Two to four week sessions:
    • Prior to start of classes: 100%
    • No refunds after classes have begun
  • Five or six week sessions:
    • Prior to start of classes and the first class day: 100%
    • Up to and including five class day: 50 %
    • The sixth class day and after: No Refund
  • Seven and one-half to nine week sessions:
    • Prior to start of classes: 100%
    • Up to and including seven class days: 50%
    • The eighth class day and after: No Refund
  • Ten or twelve week sessions:
    • Prior to start of classes: 100%
    • Up to and including ten class days: 50%
    • The eleventh class day and after: No Refund

The University of Arkansas at Monticello refund policy is subject to change if required by federal regulation or the University Of Arkansas Board Of Trustees. Appeals of the refund policy must be submitted in writing to the bc365游戏 Executive Council.

The housing/food service contract will be for the period of an academic year (Fall & Spring semesters) unless the contract is only for the Spring semester or Summer I or II terms.

Any student who cancels a room and board contract prior to moving into the residence halls will:

  • Forfeit the housing deposit
  • Have the room and board charges removed from their bill.

Any student who has checked into the residence halls and is unable to finalize and enroll in classes for that term will:

  • Forfeit the housing deposit
  • Be charged for the room and board on a prorated amount for the time that he/she stayed in the halls.

Any student who has checked into the residence halls, finalized their bill, and wishes to cancel the room and board contract prior to the end of the academic year will:

  • Forfeit the housing deposit
  • Receive a refund of the unused portion of their meal plan
  • Not receive a refund on the room for the current semester
  • Must buy out a subsequent semester for $400.00.

Any student who checks out of the residence halls at the end of an academic year, notifies University/Housing that they are not planning to return in the following year, has no damages in their room or outstanding debt on their student account will receive a full refund of their housing deposit. Any extenuating circumstances justifying an exception to the above policies should be made in writing to the Director of Residence Life.

Refunds—Tuition and Fees Withdrawal or Dropping Courses/Fall or Spring Semesters

Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at Monticello during a fall or spring semester is entitled to a refund as follows:

Tuition and Fees

  1. Up to and including three class days 100%.
  2. From the fourth class day through the tenth class day 50%
  3. The eleventh class day and after NO REFUND

Any student who drops one or more courses and continues to be enrolled at the University during a fall or spring semester shall be entitled to individual course refunds as follows:

Tuition and Fees

  1. Up to and including three class days 100%
  2. The fourth class day and after NO REFUND

Withdrawal/Summer Term

Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at Monticello during a summer term is entitled to a refund as follows:

Tuition and Fees

  1. Two- to four-week term: (a) Prior to start of classes 100% (b) After classes have begun NO REFUND
  2. Five- or six-week term: (a) Up to and including two class days 100% (b) From the third class day through the fifth class day 50% (c) The sixth class day and after NO REFUND
  3. Seven and one-half- to nine-week term: (a) Prior to start of classes 100% (b) Up to and including seven class days 50% (c) The eighth class day and after NO REFUND
  4. Ten- or twelve-week term: (a) Prior to start of classes 100% (b) Up to and including ten class days 50% (c) The eleventh class day and after NO REFUND Dropping Courses/Summer Term

Any student who drops one or more courses and continues to be enrolled at the University during a five- or six-week summer term is entitled to individual course refunds as follows:

Registration, Tuition, and Fees

  1. Up to and including two class days 100%
  2. The third class day and after NO REFUND

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